
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

China TaiSan 2010 financial result

Finally, China TaiSan result was released on 28th Feb.

I summarized my key findings here:

(1)   Revenue up 63.0% yoy
(2)   Net profit up 136.3% yoy
(3)   Gross Profit Margin 26.4% and Net Profit Margin 18.6%
(4)   ROE 20.5%
(5)   Cash or cash equivalents abt 12.77 cents
(6)   NAV increased 109.5% to 21.63 cents
(7)   Earning per share 4.95 cents – base on entry price 18 cents P/E ratio 3.64
(8)   Dividend pay out 0.67 cents per share – base on entry price 18 cents 3.7% dividend yield.

1 comment:

  1. The company declared a final dividend of 2.27 RMB cents (abt 0.44 SGD cents) per ordinate share.

    Base on my average cost 16.5cents per share the yield is abt 2.6%.

    The payout ratio is abt 10% of the total net income.
