
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lesson 11 (2.09): 03.06 21:10 to 22:50

·         Before changing lane check front mirror, side mirror, and blind spot (look through the behind window of the car) – do not move steering wheel at this moment.
·         After checking of traffic condition change lane quickly – when changing lane do not look at mirror any more (car behind will not approach too soon).

·         Do not turn steering wheel when moving straight, use your hand to slightly hold it.
·         Look at the directional sign on the road to decide which way to proceed (if only one direction).
·         Exit at the end of merging lane, not immediate.
·         When turning right, facing red light-stop at the stop line, facing green light-stop at the designate pathway and waiting for your turn. If green arrow blinking do not turn.
·         After U-turn or right turn always move back to the left lane.

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